
Hey there! Welcome to my personal blog where I chat about world happenings through a biblical lens. You might find me rambling about biblical topics, diving into political buzz, catching up on current events, or dropping updates about this website. It's a bit of this and that, so feel free to stick around for some thought-provoking reads!

  • A Digital Mezuzah, the Shema Prayer: π€”π€Œπ€ שםג Sh'ma Listen

    π€”π€Œπ€ 𐀉𐀔𐀓𐀀𐀋 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 𐀀𐀋𐀄𐀉𐀍𐀅 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 𐀀𐀇𐀃.𐀅𐀀𐀄𐀁𐀕 𐀀𐀕 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Š π€π€Šπ€‹ π€‹π€π€π€Š π€…π€π€Šπ€‹ π€π€π€”π€Š π€…π€π€Šπ€‹ π€Œπ€€π€ƒπ€Š. 𐀅𐀄𐀉𐀅 π€„π€ƒπ€π€“π€‰π€Œ 𐀄𐀀𐀋𐀄 𐀀𐀔𐀓 π€€π€π€Šπ€‰ π€Œπ€‘π€…π€Š π€„π€‰π€…π€Œ 𐀏𐀋 π€‹π€π€π€Š. π€…π€”π€π€π€•π€Œ π€‹π€π€π€‰π€Š 𐀅𐀃𐀁𐀓𐀕 𐀁𐀌 π€π€”π€π€•π€Š π€π€π€‰π€•π€Š π€…π€π€‹π€Šπ€•π€Š π€π€ƒπ€“π€Š π€…π€π€”π€Šπ€π€Š π€…π€π€’π€…π€Œπ€Š. π€…π€’π€”π€“π€•π€Œ 𐀋𐀀𐀅𐀕 𐀏𐀋 π€‰π€ƒπ€Š 𐀅𐀄𐀉𐀅 π€‹π€ˆπ€ˆπ€π€• 𐀁𐀉𐀍 π€π€‰π€π€‰π€Š. π€…π€Šπ€•π€π€•π€Œ 𐀏𐀋 π€Œπ€†π€…π€†π€…π€• π€π€‰π€•π€Š π€…π€π€”π€π€“π€‰π€Š.𐀅𐀄𐀉𐀄 π€€π€Œ π€”π€Œπ€…π€ π€•π€”π€Œπ€π€… 𐀀𐀋 π€Œπ€‘π€…π€•π€‰ 𐀀𐀔𐀓 π€€π€π€Šπ€‰ π€Œπ€‘π€…π€„ π€€π€•π€Šπ€Œ π€„π€‰π€…π€Œ 𐀋𐀀𐀄𐀁𐀄 𐀀𐀕 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Šπ€Œ 𐀅𐀋𐀏𐀁𐀃𐀅 π€π€Šπ€‹ π€‹π€π€π€Šπ€Œ π€…π€π€Šπ€‹ π€π€π€”π€Šπ€Œ. 𐀅𐀍𐀕𐀕𐀉 π€Œπ€ˆπ€“ π€€π€“π€‘π€Šπ€Œ 𐀁𐀏𐀕𐀅 𐀉𐀅𐀓𐀄 π€…π€Œπ€‹π€’π€…π€” π€…π€€π€Žπ€π€• π€ƒπ€‚π€π€Š π€…π€•π€‰π€“π€…π€”π€Š π€…π€‰π€‘π€„π€“π€Š. 𐀅𐀍𐀕𐀕𐀉 𐀏𐀔𐀁 π€π€”π€ƒπ€Š π€‹π€π€„π€Œπ€•π€Š π€…π€€π€Šπ€‹π€• 𐀅𐀔𐀁𐀏𐀕. π€„π€”π€Œπ€“π€… π€‹π€Šπ€Œ 𐀐𐀍 𐀉𐀐𐀕𐀄 π€‹π€π€π€Šπ€Œ π€…π€Žπ€“π€•π€Œ π€…π€π€π€ƒπ€•π€Œ π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Œ π€€π€‡π€“π€‰π€Œ π€…π€„π€”π€•π€‡π€…π€‰π€•π€Œ π€‹π€„π€Œ. 𐀅𐀇𐀓𐀄 𐀀𐀐 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 𐀁𐀊𐀌 𐀅𐀏𐀑𐀓 𐀀𐀕 π€„π€”π€Œπ€‰π€Œ 𐀅𐀋𐀀 𐀉𐀄𐀉𐀄 π€Œπ€ˆπ€“ π€…π€„π€€π€ƒπ€Œπ€„ 𐀋𐀀 𐀕𐀕𐀍 𐀀𐀕 𐀉𐀁𐀅𐀋𐀄 π€…π€€π€π€ƒπ€•π€Œ π€Œπ€„π€“π€„ π€Œπ€π€‹ 𐀄𐀀𐀓𐀑 π€„π€ˆπ€…π€π€„ 𐀀𐀔𐀓 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 𐀍𐀕𐀍 π€‹π€Šπ€Œ. π€…π€”π€Œπ€•π€Œ 𐀀𐀕 𐀃𐀁𐀓𐀉 𐀀𐀋𐀄 𐀏𐀋 π€‹π€π€π€Šπ€Œ 𐀅𐀏𐀋 π€π€π€”π€Šπ€Œ π€…π€’π€”π€“π€•π€Œ π€€π€•π€Œ 𐀋𐀀𐀅𐀕 𐀏𐀋 π€‰π€ƒπ€Šπ€Œ 𐀅𐀄𐀉𐀅 π€‹π€ˆπ€…π€ˆπ€π€• 𐀁𐀉𐀍 π€π€‰π€π€‰π€Šπ€Œ. π€…π€‹π€Œπ€ƒπ€•π€Œ π€€π€•π€Œ 𐀀𐀕 π€π€π€‰π€Šπ€Œ 𐀋𐀃𐀁𐀓 𐀁𐀌 π€π€”π€π€•π€Š π€π€π€‰π€•π€Š π€…π€π€‹π€Šπ€•π€Š π€π€ƒπ€“π€Š π€…π€π€”π€Šπ€π€Š π€…π€π€’π€…π€Œπ€Š. π€…π€Šπ€•π€π€•π€Œ 𐀏𐀋 π€Œπ€†π€…π€†π€…π€• π€π€‰π€•π€Š π€…π€π€”π€π€“π€‰π€Š. π€‹π€Œπ€π€ 𐀉𐀓𐀁𐀅 π€‰π€Œπ€‰π€Šπ€Œ π€…π€‰π€Œπ€‰ π€π€π€‰π€Šπ€Œ 𐀏𐀋 π€„π€€π€ƒπ€Œπ€„ 𐀀𐀔𐀓 𐀍𐀔𐀁𐀏 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 π€‹π€€π€π€•π€‰π€Šπ€Œ 𐀋𐀕𐀕 π€‹π€„π€Œ π€Šπ€‰π€Œπ€‰ π€„π€”π€Œπ€‰π€Œ 𐀏𐀋 𐀄𐀀𐀓𐀑.π€…π€‰π€€π€Œπ€“ 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 𐀀𐀋 π€Œπ€”π€„ π€‹π€€π€Œπ€“. 𐀃𐀁𐀓 𐀀𐀋 𐀁𐀍𐀉 𐀉𐀔𐀓𐀀𐀋 π€…π€€π€Œπ€“π€• π€€π€‹π€„π€Œ 𐀅𐀏𐀔𐀅 π€‹π€„π€Œ 𐀑𐀉𐀑𐀕 𐀏𐀋 π€Šπ€π€π€‰ π€π€‚π€ƒπ€‰π€„π€Œ π€‹π€ƒπ€“π€•π€Œ 𐀅𐀍𐀕𐀍𐀅 𐀏𐀋 𐀑𐀉𐀑𐀕 π€„π€Šπ€π€ 𐀐𐀕𐀉𐀋 π€•π€Šπ€‹π€•. 𐀅𐀄𐀉𐀄 π€‹π€Šπ€Œ 𐀋𐀑𐀉𐀑𐀕 π€…π€“π€€π€‰π€•π€Œ 𐀀𐀕𐀅 π€…π€†π€Šπ€“π€•π€Œ 𐀀𐀕 π€Šπ€‹ π€Œπ€‘π€…π€• 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 π€…π€π€”π€‰π€•π€Œ π€€π€•π€Œ 𐀅𐀋𐀀 𐀕𐀕𐀅𐀓𐀅 𐀀𐀇𐀓𐀉 π€‹π€π€π€Šπ€Œ 𐀅𐀀𐀇𐀓𐀉 π€π€‰π€π€‰π€Šπ€Œ 𐀀𐀔𐀓 π€€π€•π€Œ π€†π€π€‰π€Œ π€€π€‡π€“π€‰π€„π€Œ. π€‹π€Œπ€π€ π€•π€†π€Šπ€“π€… π€…π€π€”π€‰π€•π€Œ 𐀀𐀕 π€Šπ€‹ π€Œπ€‘π€…π€•π€‰ π€…π€„π€‰π€‰π€•π€Œ π€’π€ƒπ€”π€‰π€Œ π€‹π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Šπ€Œ. 𐀀𐀍𐀉 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Šπ€Œ 𐀀𐀔𐀓 𐀄𐀅𐀑𐀀𐀕𐀉 π€€π€•π€Šπ€Œ π€Œπ€€π€“π€‘ π€Œπ€‘π€“π€‰π€Œ 𐀋𐀄𐀉𐀅𐀕 π€‹π€Šπ€Œ π€‹π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Œ 𐀀𐀍𐀉 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 π€€π€‹π€„π€‰π€Šπ€Œ.

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  • Happy Hanukkah!

    Happy Hanukkah!! All over the world tonight, the Jewish People will be lighting their menorahs in remembrance of the miracle that God performed about twenty-two-hundred years ago in the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where a small amount of oil, enough for one day, miraculously burned for eight days during the rededication of the Temple! Given the price of gas, I’d appreciate that today! But more importantly the Shamash, or the middle candle, sits higher on the Hanukkah menorah than the other eight candles and is used to light them! As Christians we recognize that the Shamash is a representation of Jesus, who is the Light of the World and uses the rest of us, like the other candles, to share that light with the world! Thats why I say Happy Hanukkah!

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  • Economic Study of Life in 2023 vs 1998 and 1973

    We’re going to look at the US economy of today compared to 25 years ago and 50 years ago. That is 2023, 1998, and 1973 respectively. Generation X was becoming adults around 1998, born roughly between the early 1960s and early 1980s, they were in their late teens to late 30s at this time. Baby Boomers were becoming adults around 1973. Born after World War II, between the mid-1940s and mid-1960s, they were in their late teens to early 30s at this time. Once we’re all on the same page here we can see what the real problem is, and it’s unfortunately not as simple as inflation.

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  • Israel: Reclaim the actual borders of the Promised Land

    Modern day Israel is only inhabiting a small remnant of the land that God told them to take thousands of years ago. Essentially, everything between the Nile River and the Euphrates river is Israel. Currently modern Israel has reclaimed a small sliver of this land, but other nations are occupying Israel’s land. These include eastern Egypt, the northern third of Saudi Arabia, most of Iraq and Syria, all of Lebanon and Palestine, and a good bit of Turkey.

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  • Refreshing the website and videos.

    I’ve noticed that the website may have been too complicated for most people in its previous form, and nobody likes intros on videos. I’ve simplified the site, which also makes it load faster and be easier to maintain. I’m also re-recording old videos and skipping the intros.

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