Key Concepts
Pick a Key Concept from the list below to dive deep into some important biblical topics. You can get the lowdown on why we're here, what's the deal with the Trinity, and what happens after we die. It's like a spiritual guidebook to spice up your journey through this life.
Understanding the Holy Trinity
For many Christians, and non-believers alike, the concept of the Trinity is confusing. This is because it’s not explicitly stated in any English copy of scripture, but it is shown. Furthermore, it is very easy to fully comprehend if you know how to think about it, which I will show you using a very modern metaphor.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Heaven, Hell, and The Meaning of Life
Why are we here? What is Heaven? and What is Hell? Do you want to know the true purpose of life and what “heaven” and “hell” really are? What do you think God created you for? What you will be doing for eternity, and why are you here now? You’ve come to the right place to learn all of this in one simple article. First of all, let’s discuss why we are here on Earth
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Sin and Forgiveness
If obedience to God and faith in the blood of Christ gets us into heaven, what can keep us out? Sin! What is sin, and why does it matter. You hear a lot about sin in the Bible. This is a sin, that is a sin. We are all sinners. God can forgive most sins although there’s one unforgivable sin. Sin leads to death, to hell, Sheol. There can be no sin in the presence of the Lord. Before I get into an analogy to explain what Sin is, and why it is so serious, let’s look at what the word means.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
How do we know that we can trust the Bible?
There are plenty of claims which attack the Bible. The main topics with which the Bible is criticized include the intentions behind its compilation, the integrity of its text over time, the consistency of its text throughout its pages, insights about claims found within its text, and the historical accuracy of events mentioned in the text. All of these topics sound like good arguments if you have never actually read and studied the Bible or looked into each of these topics; however, the truth is that God can use all of these topics to support the authenticity of his word.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Why did Jesus have to Die to forgive sin?
God chose the path to the cross before the world was created and the prophecies came after that. God said the wages of sin are death, and he is a just judge. To forgive sin without death would both be unjust and would make God a liar. A perfect and unblemished sacrifice is required, and we are certainly blemished due to our sins. God took human form as Jesus and lived a perfect life, which ended in his bloody death to be a sacrifice to pay our debt to himself. He literally provided the sacrifice to justify his own forgiveness of our sin in the way a government would bail out its population by printing money.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Will there be a Rapture?
Before determining if the rapture is dangerous, let’s look at where it comes from. The word “Rapture” is not in the bible, but then again a lot of modern terms are not. A lot of people point to Matthew 24:40-42, so let’s take a look at that. “Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one left. There will be two women grinding grain with a mill; one will be taken and one left. “Therefore stay alert, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”
Yes, it says that, and many Christians will tell you this is the rapture. Most use this as their proof text, but there’s a problem there, and as it often is in theological debates, it’s context. What does the Bible say literally right before this passage in Matthew 24:37-39?
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Miracles & Prophets + Magic & Charlatans
Let’s delve into the realm of miracles and prophets. We’ll also explore the concept of magic and charlatans. Miracles and prophets serve as God’s means of capturing people’s attention when they refuse to listen. Miracles are intended as signs, and prophets are intended as messengers. Sometimes, these manifestations are genuine and from God; other times, they are deceptive, arising from a place of evil intent, either human or otherwise.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
All about Demons
Demons exist. I will cover their origin, existence, identification, and removal. It’s crucial to note that interpretations of demons and their origins vary within Christian theology. While some traditions view demons as the disembodied spirits of Nephilim, others consider them fallen angels who rebelled against God. For this discussion, we’ll refer to the Book of Enoch, which presents demons as the souls or angelic half of the Nephilim.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
The Mark of the Beast
You will not be tricked into taking the mark of the beast, it’s hot hidden anywhere. It is something that you will choose, while knowing it’s a full rejection of Christ. To take a mark on your forehead means that you have been fooled into believing in something. Everyone can see it clearly on your forehead, but because of your limited perspective you simply can’t see it without reflection. To take a mark on your right hand means that you know its not true, but you go through the motions because its what you must do to survive. If you don’t, you will be unable to participate in the economy and will likely starve to death or be homeless.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Types of Spiritual Beings
Get to know the various kinds of Angels, Demons, and others. There’s more to it than most people know. We have Elohim, the Divine Council, various types of Angels, the Satan, Fallen Angels, and Demons.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
The Law under the Christ and the New Covenant
Basically, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done; you can be forgiven through faith in Jesus. However, Paul anticipates a potential misunderstanding: if grace increases to cover more sin, should people sin even more to receive more grace? This logic might seem to justify sinful behavior by claiming it leads to greater demonstrations of God’s grace. This is a very childish way of looking at it, but many Christians still think like this, engaging in sinful behavior and claiming “it’s all good” because they are forgiven. Jesus said in his own words, as recorded in Matthew 5:17-18: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Understanding this passage requires exploring several layers: what “the law” meant, how Jesus fulfilled it, and what this means for Christians today.
Posted By Mike Fougnie