Noah knew about Atlantis?

The topic of Atlantis has mesmerized people for centuries. Many of these people have spent their entire lives searching for it, but they didn’t need to. The Bible actually shows us where it was if you know where to look.

I’m actually writing this from a location on part of the ancient continent of Atlantis, which I’ll explain later. Sure, it sank beneath the ocean thousands of years ago, but it rose again after a short period of time.

Let’s start with Plato’s description as a jumping off point, as that’s where most people’s knowledge of Atlantis comes from, and it usually ends there as well. Unless their minds have been warped by some derivative of Edgar Casey ‘s work. Although one of my favorite childhood animated movies was inspired by that.

Our entire account of Atlantis comes from two accounts written around 360 B.C. by Plato, who was detailing an account his great grandfather had told him, and doing it all from memory, so some of the details may be a bit off or falsely remembered. Some say that these were written entirely as fiction or morality tales, but it is written in a style which suggest it was meant to be a historical document.

Besides this, it is stated that Solon even said it was true as is recorded “Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which, though strange, is certainly true, having been attested by Solon, who was the wisest of the seven sages. He was a relative and a dear friend of my great-grandfather, Dropides, as he himself says in many passages of his poems; and he told the story to Critias, my grandfather, who remembered and repeated it to us.”

So let’s look at the setting first. The account claims that 300 years before Plato, so we’re at 660 B.C., an Athenian statesman named Solon was speaking with an Egyptian priest who told him the story originally. Fun fact, this priest told Solon that of the Greeks “there is not a young man among you” which points back to the pre-flood lifespans enjoyed by humans.

As an Egyptian priest, this man would likely have had access to records and the ability to read and write, and could take part in diplomatic meetings. All of this checks out so far.

Now the date is in question as it is currently recorded as 9000 years prior to Solons meeting with the priest when the account takes place; but there is a strong likelihood that this was a misunderstanding when the date was translated from Egyptian to Greek.

To be fair, the ancient Egyptian characters for the hundreds look very similar to their counterparts for the thousands, so I see how this could be an easy mistake. Additionally, numbers could be written in any order, and the number 1590 could look a lot like the number for 9000.

The fact is, Egypt did not exist 11680 years ago, certainly did exist 3600 years ago and when a related major event took place 4300 years ago, or 1500 to 1600 years before Solon. While the 1590 year theory holds up pretty well, it’s also possible that it really was meant to be 900 years and the Egyptians officially heard the account then regarding something that took place another 700 years prior. It’s also possible that passing the store down through over 300 years, mostly through memory, some of the dates were confused.

What was going on in the world around that time? Ill get back to that when we see why Plato says Atlantis was destroyed and sunk into the ocean. First, let’s discuss what Plato records in his own writings. There are a few key concepts that will tell you where and when this was.

Basically these so-called gods decide to divide up the world and we follow the story of one called Poseidon. This divine being falls in love with a human woman named Cleito and has children with her. They had five sets of twin sons together, each of which was half divine and half mortal human. The children became great leaders over various regions.

The ancient Greeks would have known these beings as demigods, or half human and half god creatures with the place of being a ruler over humans, a great king, however the Bible discusses them in a different light.

In the book of Enoch and to a lesser extent in the book of Genesis, we see fallen angels reject their roles as servants of the one true God and assume the roles of false gods themselves, being worshiped by humans, and even having children with humans. These children are far more intelligent but also more brutal than humans. On top of that, they are giants or Nephilim.

Poseidon was the Greek name of a fallen angel who produced Nephilim by interbreeding with human women. These Nephilim children go on to rule over humans in many areas in the pre-flood world.

Speaking of that flood, what do we see? God creates land and people, people build a great civilization which becomes more interested in what humans want and turn against God, who then destroyed the world with water. Yes, a populist democracy is bad and theocracy is the only true way to govern people.

The account which Plato gives shows a god create land and then people, and those people anger God who destroys the continent beneath the waves. In both accounts, a small number of survivors reach land near Egypt. The book of Genesis states that they land in the mountains of a region called Ararat, which is modern day Turkey, and the Plato account shows they land near Egypt, which Turkey is near. Same story.

The city of Atlantis was said to have flashed with the red light of a magical metal called Orichalcum, while the Ark was lit by a stone called Tzohar. Metal and gemstones are different, right? Well, no. Sapphire is simply a form of Aluminum. As for lighting, perhaps either a piezoelectric effect or mild radioactivity combined with a phosphorus quality could emit light in a seemingly magical way.

The Critias also mentions an agreement between regions of Atlantis stating that an attack on one is an attack on all, and they would not attack each other. Basically ancient NATO. Yes the regions of Atlantis had a similar structure as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Atlantic, let that sink in. As in the days of Noah, right?

In the book of Genesis we see the entire world coming together against the word of God immediately before language becomes confused and people are separated. The building of a tower was not the problem, as one of the largest buildings in the world now stands where the tower of babel was, but it was the conspiring of humans against the will of God that was the issue.

Plato then recounts how there were many kinds of plants growing all over the world and that there was a special “Grove of Poseidon” which was not to be violated. Much death came after this land was violated. Think back to Genesis with the Lords Garden in Eden which was a holy place. Death did not exist until after humans chose to sin there. Could this Grove of Poseidon be the Garden in Eden?

There are a number of other similarities, including the six winged horses which there gods supposedly had pulling chariots to the six winged seraphim, a fiery serpent like creature, which accompanied the “thrones” of God which are an angle with a wheel-like body structure called Ophanim. These creatures could be mistranslated as six winged horses pulling a chariot.

So if these fallen angels are the false gods worshiped in the pre-flood world, why all the Greek names? For the same reason we call the settlers of the 13 colonies Americans, when they were actually British. We are projecting American-ness on them the way the thousands of year old world was shown to be very Greek in the story told by a Greek man.

The truth is, it was a pre-hebraic culture which was surrounded by an advanced human hybrid culture of Nephilim carrying out the will of fallen angels on earth. If it helps, you can think of this pre-hebraic culture surrounded by a technologically advanced culture as if they were like the Amish of today I’m that they’re a small group that loves God and stays apart from the rest of the world.

Many people who search for Atlantis go the route of looking for cultures who worshiped bulls or sacrificed them on alters, but the truth is this is a waste of time as everyone was doing this.

So back to how the world was destroyed in water, 4300 years ago something big happened, the great flood which is recorded in the Book of Genesis in the Bible.

God tells us in the book of Genesis that the world was full of evil and had to be cleansed. The book do Enoch shows us that the world was full of half human and half divine creatures.

All of this through a Jewish perspective, and keep in mind that Judaism did not exist in the time of Noah. Now in Platos works, the Timaeus and Critias, show us the same story through a Greek lenses, of a time before Greece existed. The events in question do concern the ancestors of Jews and Greeks alike as we are all one people though the line of Noah.

So that’s the past, where is Atlantis now? I believe that the sunken continent of Atlantis is what we now call Pangea, all the landmass of the earth united as a single supercontinent. Consider how all the continents fit together like a puzzle.

It was likely damaged when the flood took place or water came up from the original Euphrates River, or as it’s now called the Atlantic ocean. Consider that some of the fallen angels are imprisoned I’m an unreachable place at the bottom of the Euphrates river, or as we know it the Puerto Rico Trench in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic ocean is actually the largest river on the now resurfaced continent of Atlantis, where I am writing this and you are likely reading this from, It’s all Atlantis, and it always was.

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