Who The Illuminati Really Are

The concept of the Illuminati, as it is often depicted in conspiracy theory circles, is indeed shrouded in mystery and intrigue, with many speculating on its secretive and influential nature, often intertwining it with the Freemasons. Granted, both of these organizations are older than most people know, and both are very powerful. However, it is crucial to clarify that the roots of Freemasonry trace back to a very different source, the noble Jewish builders of Solomon’s Temple.
The link between Freemasonry and the Illuminati remains a topic of debate, on conspiracy theories forums, largely because of the alleged objectives associated with the Illuminati. To comprehend the historical context, one must delve into the ancient texts, both religious and historical. In the Hebrew Bible, the construction of Solomon’s Temple involved skilled artisans and builders, many of whom could indeed be considered “noble.” The connection between Masonry and the builders of this illustrious temple has been a longstanding tradition, as exemplified in the Masonic rituals and symbolism. The Illuminati on the other hand is not of God and is opposed to his will. I would suggest they are behind many of the antimasonic and antisemitic conspiracy theories that run rampant in our society.
The emergence of the actual Illuminati, as a group of elitist humans, occurred in Germany during the late 18th century is well-documented. Johann Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law, officially founded the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, which is in Germany. Granted I believe that was just the human façade of a deeper organization, and that goes back around 5536 years prior, the human involvement started in 1776. This period coincides with the American Revolution, a time of great societal upheaval and transformation. In fact, the United States of America was officially founded only 65 days after the Illuminati was. Now the term “America” itself has been a subject of linguistic and etymological analysis, with some interpretations linking it to ancient languages that connote serpents or land. It intriguingly translates to the “the land of the serpent.”
When you consider that 65 day, or roughly 9 week, separation between the founding of the Illuminati and the founding of America fits perfectly with in the time frame for a typical crossing from a port in Germany to cities like Boston on the East Coast of America, which could take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks depending on weather, it seems to be quite a coincidence. It’s almost as if the illuminati finds difficultly in Europe and decides to go across the ocean to overthrew British rule of the colonies and create a new nation modeled after their own ideology. Unfortunately that seems to have included, treason, theft of land, genocide of the native inhabitants, racism and slavery, followed by other forms of oppression for just about everyone. Or as its also known, American history.
Furthermore the etymological background of the word “America” combined with the close coloration to its founding with the literal Illuminati raises questions about hidden meanings and connections. Many people believe in some kind of deep state in multiple nations. Consider many times you’ve heard of the illuminati or reptilian, or anything else.
Now let’s consider these terms, reptilian and illuminati. Reptilian obviously means reptile like and many assume they are reptile based aliens, but let’s hold off on jumping to aliens and look at the word Illuminati. The term “Illuminati” has its etymological roots in the Latin word “illuminatus,” which is the past participle of “illuminare,” meaning “to illuminate” or “to enlighten.” It is derived from “lumen,” which means “light.” The term “Illuminati” was historically used in a variety of contexts to refer to individuals or groups who sought knowledge, enlightenment, or the spread of intellectual ideas.
In fact, the name “Lucifer” has its origins in Latin and means “light-bringer” or “morning star.” It is often associated with the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star, shining brightly before dawn. In various religious and mythological contexts, the name “Lucifer” has been used to symbolize the concept of light, knowledge, or enlightenment. However, the name is used to describe an angel who rebelled against God and fell from grace, his real name is Samyaza who is the leader of the watchers and had the original idea to take human form and get into relationships with humans. Samyaza and his cohorts did in fact give humans advanced knowledge. Some conspiracy theorists suggest that the Illuminati represents a group of individuals who have similarly rebelled against divine authority and seek to manipulate world events to achieve their goals at the cost of a relationship with God.
Now the Seraphim are considered a type of angel or “mal’akh” in Hebrew, and are often depicted as heavenly beings with a special and exalted role in the divine realm. They are typically described as having multiple wings and are associated with praise and worship of God. In some interpretations, seraphim are believed to be among the highest order of angels. Their name comes from the root word meaning serpent and burning. It’s very likely that these two words could have sprouted from comparing creatures and burning objects to the Seraphim. We don’t know what species of angel The Watchers were, but if they were Seraphim, this would make a lot of sense. It would also tie into the account of Adam and Eve being fooled by a serpent into accepting knowledge at the expense of their relationship with God
Delving further into the origins of the term “Watchers” for these powerful beings, in their original languages, they were known as “Irin.” This term bears a connection to the Sanskrit word “Arian,” a word that was subsequently adopted by the Germans, to represent a superhuman race. Consider that Germany was where the Illuminati was founded. The primary objective of the Illuminati was to reintroduce these beings to the world, endowing them with advanced weaponry and almost achieving global domination. Notably, their targets included the remnants of Israel, a historical context that carries echoes in recent events in Israel.
The Idea that the Illuminati is not a human organization but a control structure created by fallen angels is based on a complex web of religious texts like the Bible and the Book of Enoch with proven historical events. It’s essential to note that this perspective is not proven, as if these powerful entities would allow much actual evidence to prove anything against them, but I can outline how some of the evidence we do have shows this to be the case.
In the Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish religious text, we are shown the Nephilim, who are believed to be the offspring of fallen angels and human women. Some theorists draw parallels between these Nephilim and the supposed hidden elite within the Illuminati, suggesting a link between them. After all, the children of the Irin, the Nephilim, were in many ways superior to humans, but they absolutely did not value human life in general and were literally blood thirsty cannibals with no morals and a hatred for God. This is due to them not being God’s children and therefore not being eligible for salvation or forgiveness. They were actually killed in a global flood whole Noah and his family were saved.
It’s no secret that the Illuminati has been behind significant historical events, such as wars, even world wars, and revolutions, to further their own agenda of control, which aligns with the fallen angels’ influence in human affairs leading up to a war against God. They want to take the world back to how it was, as the Bible states, in the days of Noah. However this will not succeed as just in the days of Noah, two will be in a field and one will be taken away to their destruction and the other left alive on Earth, just as the famous verse in Matthew says. Unfortunately that verse is often twisted by people ensnared by Rapture theology to mean the opposite of what it says.
The Illuminati have maintained their influence over centuries, with a hidden agenda to bring about a New World Order, which they equate with a malevolent, otherworldly plan. This is foretold in scripture, that there will be a satanic One World Government which will oppress those who wish to follow God’s law. Consider how bad it would have been if WW2 had gone differently? That’s what we see happen in biblical prophecies in the end times.
The whole mark on the forehead and right hand is a reference to a figure of speech used by the Hebrews. To take a make on your forehead means you are fooled by something. Everyone but you can see it, as it’s ridiculous but hidden from you, like a mark on your forehead. To take a mark on the right hand indicates you don’t believe it, but your going along and doing the work to be a part of the system. The best example is can give, and no offense to my Muslims friends, but in states under the more oppressive Sharia law there are likely non-Muslims who act the part to avoid being murdered or ostracized from society.
And no, I don’t believe Islam is the one world system mentioned, but more likely a more New Age system or even an upcoming UFO cult that would pass fallen angels off as aliens. Those who know of the work of Aleister Crowley and have seen his depiction of his favorite demon named Lam, which appeared to him in bodily form will know how easily these two can be conflated.
