UFOs and Lights in The Sky

Can a Christian believe in extraterrestrial life? Can a Christian reject the existence of extraterrestrial life? Are extraterrestrials real? To clarify, I am referring to beings from outer space. While I cannot assert with absolute certainty, I am inclined to believe they exist.

Firstly, it seems inconsistent with God's modus operandi to create a vast, lifeless void. While some argue that this is to emphasize humanity's uniqueness or provide more space for us to inhabit, I challenge these notions for a specific reason. Consider the phenomenon known as the light horizon in the universe. The universe is expanding in all directions, and the farther we look, the faster this expansion occurs. There is a point beyond our sight, never to be seen, where entire galaxies can vanish. If this is for our benefit, why create something beyond our perception or understanding? It extends beyond our existence.

Moreover, it seems illogical for God to create an entirely vacant universe and confine life to a single world. There must be intelligent life elsewhere capable of comprehending God. Perhaps they even retain a pre-Hebraic language that predates our own. I do not, however, subscribe to the notion of flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials traversing our atmosphere. What about UFOs or UAPs? I've encountered a compelling case suggesting that the Roswell crash was a Soviet spy craft, possibly unmanned or piloted by unconventional means. The government's silence could stem from an unwillingness to admit vulnerability to foreign infiltration. Even if one case can be explained, what about the multitude of others? They cannot all be attributed to foreign espionage. Psychologists have investigated cases of alien abduction, confirming that individuals genuinely experience these events, whether as physical realities or vivid dreams.

Beings from beyond Earth have visited us, at least sixty-four thousand years ago, and persist to this day. Various species have interbred with humans, identified as fallen angels in the Book of 1st Enoch. These entities imparted knowledge, leading to technological advancements. Their hybrid offspring once ruled Earth but faced extinction in an ecological disaster. There is a correlation between these beings, their interaction with human women, and the reproductive element in abduction stories. I posit that these entities, having turned away from God and witnessed the demise of their hybrid children, now seek to resurrect the Nephilim to reclaim Earth. UFO enthusiasts often cite the goal of creating hybrid beings ascribed to these aliens, who are, in essence, the Nephilim of Noah's era."

In some accounts of what is commonly called Alien Abduction, individuals claim to have had encounters with unidentified flying objects which often seem to be able to defy the laws of physics as we know them, and the beings associated with them, often referred to as aliens or extraterrestrial beings. Let's now look at some other aspects of alien abductions or extraterrestrial encounters. For one, there is a common theme of reproduction, either via the extraction of genetic material or other methods of creating hybrid offspring with humans. Then there is the bright light flashing through the sky. Quite often, the abducted will report a loss of time somehow, either via an experience of time dilation or simply not noticing the time pass, like with anesthesia.

In these encounters, it is allegedly common to revolve around the extraction or harvesting of genetic material from the individuals involved, and that is a key detail here. Consider the concept of the Succubus taking seamen from men or an Incubus placing similar material into a woman, or the mythology of sterile fairies and similar entities (mermaids and nymphs) luring reproductive-age people to their realms or just stealing children from their parents and changing them somehow. Then consider the ancient false gods who were said to impregnate human women to produce half-divine offspring. Further back, we have the fallen angels and their relations with human women producing human-angel hybrid offspring. Another big detail is the inhabitants of the crafts, which mirror the Bible and ancient myths alike. This has always been the same story all along.
Now with the extraterrestrial theme being used, we have the concept of spaceships to describe the environment outside of our world that people are taken Into. Witnesses report observing unidentified flying objects in the sky all of the time. The object is often described as a disc-shaped craft with lights or as lights in the sky themselves, or an unconventional aerial phenomenon. Witnesses may describe the UFO’s movements as erratic, high-speed, or capable of sudden changes in direction. The craft might hover, dart back and forth, or execute maneuvers beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft. These are not the movements of a mechanical aircraft, in fact, nothing we can build would be able to handle the stresses involved.

But what can move at insane speeds through the sky and emits light all around it? An angel, of course. Consider how many angels are said to be glowing or in some way brilliantly shining. An example is the commonly known Lucifer. There is also the concept from the ancient world of a flying flaming chariot. Flaming flying chariots are a recurring motif in mythology and folklore. They are often associated with gods, angels, and other supernatural beings. In some cases, they are used as a mode of transportation, while in others, they are used as weapons.

One of the most famous examples of a flaming flying chariot is the chariot of Elijah in the Bible. In the Book of Kings, Elijah is taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. This event is often interpreted as a sign of Elijah’s great holiness and his close relationship with God. Another famous example of a flaming flying chariot is the chariot of the Greek god Helios. Helios was the god of the sun, and he was said to drive a chariot across the sky each day. His chariot was drawn by four horses, and it was said to be made of gold and fire. Flaming flying chariots are also found in the folklore of many cultures. In Celtic mythology, for example, the god Lugh is said to have possessed a chariot that could fly through the air. This chariot was said to be made of silver and gold, and it was said to be drawn by two fiery horses. The symbolism of flaming flying chariots is complex and varied. In some cases, they represent the power of the gods, while in others, they represent the human soul’s journey to the afterlife. They can also be seen as a symbol of hope, as they often represent a way to escape from danger or hardship. This could be due to the number of angelic beings, both good and bad, working all over the world.

Both angels in ancient encounters and UFOs in modern sightings are associated with supernatural or extraordinary phenomena. Angels are often depicted as celestial beings or messengers of God in various religious traditions, while UFOs are considered unidentified flying objects that are not readily explainable by conventional means. Now angels in ancient encounters are typically believed to have a divine purpose, delivering messages, providing guidance, or carrying out specific tasks on behalf of a higher power. UFOs, on the other hand, are not inherently associated with divine or religious significance, although some individuals may interpret them within their own belief systems. Many people who believe in extraterrestrial-based views that border on religion often assign some spiritual significance to the encounters. Some go as far as to try to manifest or conjure UFO sightings.

Time loss is another commonly reported phenomenon among people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. In some cases, people report waking up hours or even days after they went to bed, with no memory of what happened in the intervening time. Others report feeling like they lost track of time while they were being abducted, and that when they came to, they were in a different location than they were when they were abducted.

Some have suggested that UFOs are somehow time machines or that extraterrestrials are able to manipulate time. However in folklore, fairies were often said to live in a world that is separate from our own, and they are said to have their own unique understanding of time. One common belief is that fairies live in a world where time moves more slowly than it does in our world. This means that a day in the fairy world could be equivalent to a year in our world. The exact same is true of Angels and other spiritual beings. Time loss is a commonly reported phenomenon among people who claim to have had an angelic encounter. In some cases, people report waking up hours or even days after they went to bed, with no memory of what happened in the intervening time. Others report feeling like they lost track of time while they were being visited by an angel, and that when they came to, they were in a different location than they were when they were visited. This is very similar to modern UFO reports.

The descriptions of aliens In alien abduction cases vary widely, but there are some common features. Aliens are often described as being very small, with an average height of around one meter or three feet; or very tall, exceeding two or three meters or six to nine feet. Aliens are often described as being thin, with long arms and legs. While angels are said to be huge, ancient gods are said to be a bit larger than humans and much stronger, fairies are said to have smaller than humans and dainty or feminine in form, and aliens are even smaller and more atrophied looking.

The most common description of an alien is that of a gray-skinned humanoid with large, almond-shaped eyes, a small nose and mouth, and no hair; however, some are described as being either reptilian or shining white. Aliens are often described as having large heads, which are sometimes said to be disproportionately large compared to their bodies. This can signify intelligence associated with a large brain. Aliens are often described as having large, almond-shaped eyes in that large head, which are sometimes said to be black or dark brown. If you really want to be disturbed, search for an image of the famous Satanist named Aleister Crowley’s drawing of the demon which he was in constant contact with, named Lam. This solidifies the connection between these evil entities and modern-day alien reports.

We see a long and connected history here with these once-strong entities essentially wasting away. Aliens are also often described as having smooth, hairless skin identifying them as either not being mammalian or severely degraded which leads us to why we get some reports of women being abducted to nurse the hybrids. Then the next point is that are often described as having no visible sex organs. That’s kind of the key point here that unlocks a dark secret.

According to certain interpretations of the Book of Enoch, it is postulated that fallen angels ceased producing hybrid offspring following the flood due to being subjected to restraint and confinement as a consequence of their actions. The nature of this restraint is open to speculation—it could encompass physical bondage or separation from physical humans. It is conceivable that while physically bound, they retain the ability to project themselves supernaturally into our world, akin to astral projection. This perspective indicates that their capacity to interact with humans and partake in such relationships was indeed limited or eradicated. It is plausible that the means utilized to impregnate human women were removed or rendered ineffective.

Personally, I hold the belief that these fallen angels have been blocked from accessing the trees of life within God’s heavenly realm which they were bound from accessing, resulting in their gradual deterioration. It is also plausible that some form of castration was part of their punishment. It is important to remember that they were both punished and bound. Consequently, we witness their influence and image progressively weaken over time, leading to their current heavy reliance on some form of angelic technology, commonly perceived as UFOs and implements found inside them, to maneuver and operate within our world. This may also explain their keen interest in genetic and reproductive research, as it might be their sole method for reproduction if such a possibility even exists for them. It’s important to remember that angelic technology would be so far above what we create that it would seem like magic. They can create pockets of space and time, manipulating both. They can seemingly by our terminology, except the speed of light, teleport, and much more.

As a result of their disconnection from the sustaining divine power and potential deprivation of the celestial arboreal sources of vitality within their heavenly domain, these entities are undergoing a state of gradual deterioration. Formerly formidable celestial beings, they now manifest feeble physical attributes, exemplified by the emaciated extremities and debilitated corporeal manifestations they project into the minds of those who encounter them.
So, what should you do if you encounter these entities? Many individuals assert that they have successfully thwarted alien abduction experiences by commanding the entities to depart in the name of Jesus. This practice is rooted in the scriptural belief that invoking Jesus' name carries significant spiritual authority over malevolent forces. The idea is drawn from passages like Acts 16:18, where the apostle Paul cast out a spirit in the name of Jesus, and Mark 16:17, where Jesus himself states that believers will cast out demons in his name.

One widely discussed example of this phenomenon is the case of "The Allagash Abductions." In the 1970s, four friends claimed to have been abducted by aliens during a camping trip. Years later, one of the abductees reported that he had successfully halted further abductions by invoking the name of Jesus. This incident, often cited in discussions about spiritual intervention in alien encounters, highlights the application of a biblical worldview to extraterrestrial experiences.

Another notable case involves the well-known abduction researcher and author, Dr. David Jacobs. He interviewed an individual who claimed to have stopped abduction experiences by using the name of Jesus. While Jacobs himself is not an advocate of religious explanations, he acknowledged the presence of such accounts within the larger context of abduction narratives.

These antidotal accounts align with our belief that spiritual forces are at play in the world, encompassing both positive and negative entities. The act of invoking Jesus' name as a protective measure reflects a conviction in the supremacy of his authority. If you have faith, Satan has no power over you.

In my personal belief system, I hold a profound conviction that the cosmos, having been crafted by the divine hand of God, is a canvas teeming with the potential for extraterrestrial life. As the Creator, God has masterfully filled our earthly abode with life, and it stands to reason that His creative essence extends throughout the vast expanse of the universe, manifesting in an intricate tapestry of lifeforms.

Acknowledging this, I also take note of the enigmatic unidentified objects that grace our skies. While I remain skeptical of their connection to extraterrestrial life, these celestial enigmas do ignite the flames of curiosity within me.

It is fascinating to observe that the accounts of abductions appear to weave a narrative thread, one that resonates with tales of fairies, succubi, ancient deities, and even fallen angels from the annals of history and mythology. What strikes me as truly intriguing is the strikingly consistent pattern in these stories—a recurrent theme of these beings, across various cultures and epochs, endeavoring to forge hybrid beings with humanity, often following eerily similar patterns and methods.

This is why I argue that people are being abducted, but not by alien life forms. The mask of aliens is just to fool us into trusting them, or at least not having thousands of years of reason not to trust them.
