Other Faiths
There are a lot of other religions in the world, so how do we know that none of them are correct? They all have good in them, so what are the problems? Additionally, some supposed scientific beliefs function more like a religion than an actual theory. Pick a religion or pseudoscientific belief to see its flaws.
Judaism encompasses the rich tapestry of religion, philosophy, and culture embraced by the Jewish people, and I hold deep respect for their traditions. Jewish individuals often display a profound commitment to serving God, and this dedication is noteworthy among various religious communities. It’s intriguing to note that Jews and Christians, despite sharing a significant portion of scripture and similar beliefs about God and the world, diverge on a fundamental aspect—the identity of Jesus Christ and its implications for our lives. This variance in perspective doesn’t diminish the shared values of morality and devotion to God. In an alternate reality where Jesus might not exist, it would prompt a shift in terminology for devout Christians, possibly aligning them with the traditions of Judaism. This divergence underscores the diversity of beliefs while emphasizing the common ground that exists among different faiths.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
In Christianity and Judaism, God, often referred to as Yahweh, is recognized as Allah in Islam. The essence is the same – one Creator worthy of worship. While there may be powerful beings and divine councils, they are not considered equal to God in these faiths. It's fascinating to explore the similarities and appreciate the unique perspectives each tradition brings. The figure of Jesus, known as the Christ in Christianity and as Yahusha Hamashiach in certain messianic Jewish circles, is identified as al-Masih or Isa ibn Maryam in Islam. We agree on significant aspects such as his miraculous birth, impactful life, and crucifixion. However, interpretations diverge when it comes to whether Jesus is considered the literal human incarnation of God. Christians uphold this belief, while Muslims regard him as a crucial prophet. Additionally, the belief in Jesus' resurrection on the third day is a distinctive Christian tenet, not universally accepted by Muslims, though there is a shared anticipation of his return at the end of the world.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Catholicism adherence to the forms of Christian doctrine and practice which are generally regarded as Catholic rather than Protestant or Eastern Orthodox. Technically the term means "Universal", but that speaks more to the catholic church claiming to be the only true "church". I’ll explain further what I mean. Many people believe that Catholicism is Christianity, but this is simply not true. While many Catholics claim to be followers of Christ, they go against the teachings of Jesus Christ in many aspects of their religion. This of course does not mean that they will surely go to hell; however, it may lead them on a path that veers away from salvation. Some of the important ways the Catholic Church goes against the word of God include: church structure and doctrine, as well as traditions.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Jehovah's Witnesses
The Jehovah's Witnesses are a nontrinitarian, millenarian, "Christian" restorationism church. I must say that I respect Jehovah's Witnesses for their dedication to evangelism and that there are issues that Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians agree on. Some of the more important things are that there is one true God and that the Bible is the Word of God. The word of God is more reliable than traditions and folklore. The teachings of Jesus Christ are found in the Bible and constitute what the church should be. They agree that a follower of Christ should set themselves apart from the world, but obey human laws if they do not conflict with the laws of God. They also agree that communication with the dead and praying to or trusting in images or idols is wrong. However, there are many ways that their teachings differ from the true Word of God. Rather or not these are intentional or simply mistranslations is irrelevant, but it is important to realize that there are differences. While many differences are not necessarily salvation issues, some can be. These differences include the identity of Jesus Christ and our requirements for salvation. The Bible shows that Jesus Christ is God, and your faith in Jesus Christ is required.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
Latter-day Saints
Christianity and Mormonism share some commonalities, as both consider themselves to be part of the broader Christian tradition. However, there are significant theological differences between the two that have led to the identification of Mormonism as a distinct religious movement. Christians primarily rely on the Bible as their sacred scripture, which includes the Old Testament and the New Testament. Mormons use the Bible, but they also consider the Book of Mormon to be a crucial scripture. The Book of Mormon is believed by Mormons to be a record of ancient inhabitants of the Americas, translated by Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. The Book of Mormon contains passages that contradict the Bible, particularly regarding the location of Jesus Christ's birth. The significance of this contradiction is crucial, as the birthplace of the Messiah was foretold by the prophet Micah, and any alteration raises questions about the significance of Jesus Christ and the assurance of our salvation.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
This is more of a religion than an actual scientific theory. It has many aspects that almost any religion has. There is a creation myth, supposed miracles, various dogmas, and traditions, as well as an end-of-times prophecy. Those who believe this theory, much like any other religious person, believe that they are right and that anyone who believes anything else is an idiot for not agreeing with their claims, regardless of what the evidence shows. The creation myth of this view is that all forces and matter came from a central point of infinite density and infinite temperature, which expanded and cooled. Over time, an imperfection in the spread of the matter lead to molecules of hydrogen pooling together until their gravitational pull crushed them into a fusion reaction, forming a star. This reaction over time created other elements. As these stars died, they exploded spreading other elements out into the universe to collect around other newer stars forming planets. Over time, the inorganic chemicals on the planet form organic compound through random processes. Over time these organic compounds grow in complexity making new data within themselves. This process continues to the point where these chemical reactions become single-celled organisms, then become more advanced organisms, then become animals, then become human beings.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
In recent history, Spiritualism has grown in popularity. Some people say that they do not believe in it, but most present it as a mystical but true occurrence, however occult some of the practices may be. Furthermore, some even present it as a form of fringe science. The concept that spirits have and want to convey to us knowledge which we do not possess is an intriguing idea. The belief that we can contact our deceased loved ones is even a comforting idea. There are many forms of Spiritualism found in the world today, covering everything from playing with Ouija boards and carrying out séances to paranormal investigations and obsession with ghosts. The Bible is clear on the fact that you should not try this and even has some insights as to why.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
I understand where people are coming from with this one because honestly, this is a difficult subject to debunk fully using only scripture. It turns out that the Bible actually does contain many references to astrological phenomena, and even states in some places that the stars and other heavenly bodies will show signs of the end approaching. So how bad can read your horoscope possibly be? Remember that God knows all and that there is a lot that we do not need to know. Another thing you should remember is that God commands that you rely on him alone for your faith and that relying on or putting your trust in anything else is a sin.
Posted By Mike Fougnie
What is the nature of magic, and does it hold any tangible existence? The Bible, a cornerstone of Christian worldview, addresses the concept through its mention of witchcraft, which is interchangeably perceived as magic in common parlance. Exodus 22:18 sternly declares, “You shall not permit a sorceress to live,” signifying the gravity with which God regards this phenomenon. In the contemporary scientific epoch, a pressing question emerges: How do we reconcile the principles of physics with the enigmatic realm of witchcraft and, moreover, comprehend it?
Posted By Mike Fougnie